Rock & Read Books Publishing Company

Concept & Write & Edit

We develop good ideas into great concepts. We provide research, conduct interviews, and write and create a cohesive narrative. We then edit, proof, and produce final manuscripts for a variety of works, including trade books for major publishers, and personal memoirs and corporate histories for private publication.

Layout & Design & Style

We create the book’s grid, design the layout, and add the photographs, illustrations, maps, charts, sidebars—any and all inspired graphics that support the theme of the project. We create the style of the book, be it very lavish or refreshingly minimal.

Manage & Print & Deliver

We finally take all of these elements and produce a finished package. We choose quality printers, manage the entire process, and deliver your books on time wherever you need them. After all, we are a full-service book packager.

“To do a common thing uncommonly well brings success.” —Henry J. Heinz

All content © 2024 Rock & Read Books • 401 East Las Olas Blvd., Suite 2200, Fort Lauderdale FL 33301